Catholic Prayer For Blessing A House

Catholic Prayer For Blessing A House :

Dear Lord,


Trying to find a home was so exciting! I never imagined having my own home would be so invigorating. Lord, this was a new process and I thank You for putting the right people in my life to make this happen.

My realtor was very kind and answered all of my questions to help me purchase this home. As I learn to maintain this home, Father, maintain my heart and help me to always remember that this home is not my forever home. You have a room ready for me in glory! I love You, Lord!


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Catholic Prayer For Blessing A House
Catholic Prayer For Blessing A House


Short Catholic Prayer For Blessing A House :

O heavenly Father, Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee to bless and sanctify this house and all who dwell therein and everything else in it, and do Thou vouchsafe to fill it with all good things; grant to them, O Lord, the abundance of heavenly blessings and from the richness of the earth every substance necessary for life, and finally direct their desires to the fruits of Thy mercy.

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At our entrance, therefore, deign to bless and sanctify this house as Thou didst deign to bless the house of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob; and may the angels of Thy light, dwelling within the walk of this house, protect it and those who dwell therein. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

May God Hear Your Prayers.


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