Catholic Prayer For Engaged Couples

Catholic Prayer For Engaged Couples :

Gracious Father, we come before you today to thank you for the great things you’re doing in our lives. Thank you for helping us to find intimacy and contentment in you as a couple. Your word says that unless you build a home the builders build it in vain, Father God, we ask you to build our marriage and home. Be the foundation of everything that we do and help us to walk in your ways alone. Let the wedding we are planning be built on Jesus the true foundation. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Catholic Prayer For Engaged Couples
Catholic Prayer For Engaged Couples



Check: Catholic Prayer For Expectant Mothers

Powerful Catholic Prayer For Engaged Couples :

Lord, as we prepare for the sacrament of marriage, we come to ask what you desire from us.

Guide us to know your will.

May we look to your love for us as our model of how we are to love each other.


Show us how to nourish and cherish each other as we would our own bodies.

Bring your strength to our weakness so that we might help each other grow into people you created us to be.

Enable us to grow in our intimacy with you and with each other so that we might experience the fullness of your love.

Thank you for the gift of marriage so that we can more fully understand your love for us.

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