Catholic Prayer For New Apartment

Catholic Prayer For New Apartment :

Bless my home to be. May it be a harbor of peace and love. Thank you for liberally supplying all my needs according to your riches in Christ Jesus.


Catholic Prayer For New Apartment
Catholic Prayer For New Apartment


Thank you for loving me unconditionally and making room for the blessings you have already provided and for the generous gifts you constantly bestow upon me.

I declare that all good things come to those who wait. My soul waits in silence for you alone God, for my hope is in You. In Jesus name, so be it, Amen!

Catholic Prayer For New Apartment


Check: Catholic Prayer For Loss Of Mother

Powerful Catholic Prayer For New Apartment :

Dear St. Joseph, I pray for your intercession with Jesus our Father. Need help now, I am very scared & worried! I’m a widow, a disabled senior, and need to leave soon as do not live in a good area. Friends,family are very worried about my safety and so am I.

Days are passing fast in finding a place to live, as I must use a voucher by a certain date to help me find and pay for an apartment. Almost every apt. I have contacted over the past couple of months are with 100% filled, and have waiting lists for either 6 or 12 months.

Would like to find a decent one bedroom apt, that is near shopping and has public transportation as I do not drive (I do not own a car).
Oh thank St. Joseph!

Check: Catholic Prayer For My Sick Father

May God Hear Your Prayers :


1 thought on “Catholic Prayer For New Apartment”

  1. Dear St Joseph,

    Please pray for our daughter to receive approval on her first apartment so she is safe and secure.

    Thank you.


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