Good Luck Prayer For Money And Financial Breakthrough.

Good Luck Prayer For Money And Financial Breakthrough , Proclaim these prayers in your life today.

One character and gift of a Christian is faith, faith is always applicable in prayers for it to get to God.


It is written in the book of Romans that Without faith it is impossible to please God.

Good Luck Prayer For Money
Good Luck Prayer For Money


Prayer Point: Good Luck Prayer For Money

Let us surrounding our heart to God and proclaim these (5) prayer points

1. I am the light of the world, help me oh Lord to show forth the light to my generation and never to deny your salvation.


2. Oh God I am healed by his strips, sickness shall not have a functional unit in my body system.

3.Oh Lord I shall be a vessel of honour and not to dishonor, make a living testimony to the world.

4. I shall soar high like the eagle in my spiritual life, finance, and educational career.

5. I proclaim victory over defeat, joy over sorrow, prosperity over hardship, for I am the head and not the tail

Thank you oh Lord the grace to pray for in Jesus name I pray

Check: Catholic Prayer For Divine Protection

Can Somebody say Amen


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