Prayer Of Deliverance And Protection

Prayer Of Deliverance And Protection
Prayer Of Deliverance And Protection




A Magnificent Deliverance Prayer

Father, We worship You today as we begin our prayer, for You declare we are fearfully and wonderfully fashioned (Psalm 139:14). This is a difficult world. In many respects, it threatens to crush us. We can’t always outrun our bodies’ diseases physically. We are afflicted by illness and injury, and we are not always restored to our previous condition of health. On a daily basis, we are assailed and drawn by unfiltered ideas that threaten to run away with our self-esteem. You offer us a spiritual war in this life. “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” John 10:10-11 tells us. Bring our hearts to focus on Your Truth first thing in the morning, anticipating a fight but also deliverance.

Help us to remember the truth of Psalm 32:7, “You are my hiding place; you will guard me from hardship and surround me with songs of rescue,” amid difficult times. Remind us remember the greats of faith who have gone before us in faith and bravery, trusting in Your rescue hand.


Even after being on the run from King Saul, David vanquished Goliath against all odds and called out to You in trust to deliver him. Even after he committed awful errors, You still loved David and delivered him. You never deserted Paul, who tormented and slaughtered other Christians, even in his own jail cell. What we don’t realize is how much You care about us, despite our flaws and anxieties. Help us to trust and believe in Your love, for the one who is in us is bigger than the one who is in the world. (4:4) 1 John



Galatians 5:1 exhorts us to take action and hold fast to our beliefs. “Christ has made us free for the sake of freedom.” “Stand steady, therefore, and do not allow yourself to be enslaved by a yoke of servitude once more.” Help us to move away from shame and toward kindness, to stand out for those who are unable to speak for themselves, and to find a way to ensure that people who are burdened by incorrect ideas about who they are are not forgotten. Allow the lessons of our personal deliverance to prepare us to be ambassadors for Your love. Because You promise that if we seek You with all of our hearts, we shall find You. Jeremiah 29:13 is a prophecy from the prophet Jeremiah.

We are glad, Father, that You hear us and care about us in ways we can’t fathom. “The Lord hears the righteous cry, and he relieves them from all their difficulties.” 34:17 (Psalm 34) We pray for deliverance in our own lives, as well as in the lives of others who are suffering nearby and throughout the world. We pray to You, believing that You would release us from our bodily and emotional suffering. Then they cried out to the Lord in their misery, and he saved them from it.” 107:6 Psalm


Assist us in letting go of our schedule and embracing Your method and perfect timing. We live in a society where we “had to have stuff now,” yet Your methods far outweigh the convenience of free shipping and next-day delivery. Remembering Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the old things; do not linger on the past,” give us the faith and patience to embrace Your method and purpose for our lives. See, I’m trying something new! Now it appears; do you not notice it? I’m forging a path through the desert and finding streams in the barren.”


Give us the grace to pray for and sympathize with people who mislabel us, but keep the reality of what You say about us and who You say we are. May we constantly remember to love people first (1 Peter 4:8), but also have the inner courage to detect falsehoods from Your Truth. Bullying and teasing aren’t limited to children. As we respond and react to the attacks of others, tune our ears to Your message of grace, love, and compassion. Heal our skewed perceptions and shattered boundaries. Help us to protect our hearts from guilt and to distinguish our faults and blunders from our great life purpose.


Grant us the strength to be as daring and fearless as Jesus was when we were on this world, while still being kind and caring. As we seek Your will over our own justification and defensive systems, make the unthinkable feasible in our lives. “Is anybody among you in trouble?” Please help us recall this great reality. Allow them to pray.” 5:13 James 5:13


Father, deliver us from the daily assaults on our minds, bodies, relationships, and more. Protect and deliver us from everything that threatens to take us off Your route for our life, from what we can see coming but would never anticipate. Give us the courage to love individuals who appear to be unlovable without jeopardizing our Christian faith. Build in us an irresistible and unmovable confidence, but keep our hearts free of pride. Deliver us from our twisted thinking, disease, debt, grief, problems, hunger, pain, fear, oppression, conflict, and disbelief, as we pray today to announce Your Peace over our lives. “Strengthen yourself in the Lord and his powerful might.” 6:10 (Ephesians) Father, please help us to put on Your armor on a daily basis. Amen, in Jesus’ name.

A Prayer for Good Luck and Protection from Evil

We thank you, Father God, for your love and loyalty to your children. We thank you for being a perfect, holy, and trustworthy God who is greater than all the evil we see on our planet. We beg you to grant us eyes to recognize when evil is there, hearts to despise it, and a desire to run from it. We beg that you do not lead us astray, but rather save us from evil and pull us closer to you. We pray for the long-awaited arrival of Jesus, who will usher in a new era. We enquire about these things in His holy name. Amen. Beth Ann Baus is a writer who lives in New York City.


Liberation from Fear

I know what the Bible says, but God, how can I not be afraid? How can I not be concerned about what is going on in my nation and throughout the world? There appears to be disease, violence, and hatred everywhere. Is it going to be me, God? Or is it someone I care about?


I’m sorry for my dread, concern, and anxiety. Please accept my apologies. I’m looking for you, God. Assist me in replacing my worries with biblical realities. You promised that you would never abandon me. Lord, please help me to believe. Please soothe my skepticism.


Your words are accurate. My anxieties are unfounded. Please assist me in replacing my “what ifs” with “God wills.” You are greater beyond anything my imagination can conjure up. This is something I’m aware of, but I’m not always aware of it. God, please remind me. Please remind me of your might, mercy, and love. You’ll take care of me. There’s no need for me to feel scared. God, please deliver me. – Brown, Aaron


Defend Your Mind Prayer

Almighty God, keep reminding me that I am Your child and that the adversary can’t tamper with me by covering my thoughts with the helmet of Your salvation. Lord Jesus, direct my thoughts to what is true, honorable, right, pure, gorgeous, and admirable. Help me to think on things that are good and deserving of praise so that Your serenity might preserve my thoughts (Philippians 4:8-9). Don’t let me imitate the world’s conduct and traditions; instead, change the way I think to convert me into a new person. Then I’ll learn to identify Your good, pleasant, and perfect will for me (Romans 12:2, NLT). Saturate my mind with Your truth such that I am convinced that the solutions can only be found in Your Word and not elsewhere. Amen, in Jesus’ name. – McMenamin, Cindi

David’s Deliverance Prayer

How many enemies do I have, LORD? How many people oppose me! “God will not deliver him,” many people say of me. But you, LORD, are my glory, my shield, and the one who lifts my head high. When I cry out to the LORD, he responds from his holy mountain. Because the LORD supports me, I fall down and sleep; I wake up again. Despite the fact that tens of thousands of people surround me on all sides, I will not be afraid. LORD, stand up! My God, deliver me! Strike all of my adversaries in the jaw; shatter the wicked’s teeth. Deliverance comes from the LORD. May God’s blessings be upon you and your nation. – 3 Psalms


Prayer for the Forgiveness of Loved Ones

Greetings, Lord! In deepest love and worry for my loved one, I come to You. As you are aware, it is difficult for me to watch them go through this ordeal. Keeping my thoughts and emotions in check is even more difficult at times. When I’m praying, all of these things become churned up, and it’s difficult for me to focus and hear Your voice. I ask that when I enter my time of prayer with You, You will settle all of these things inside of me. Remove everything from my heart and mind that will obstruct my ability to detect Your voice. I pray in Your name. Amen. Carrie Lowrance is a writer who lives in the United States.


Prayer from Psalm 91

Whoever stays in the Most High’s protection will slumber in the Almighty’s shadow. “He is my shelter and stronghold, my God, in whom I trust,” I shall say about the Lord. He will undoubtedly safeguard you from the fowler’s trap and the dreadful disease. He will cover you with his feathers and shelter you under his wings; his constancy will be your shield and rampart.


You will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, the arrows that fly during the day, the disease that stalks in the dark, or the plague that kills in the middle of the day. It may rain a thousand times at your side, ten thousand times at your right hand, but it will never approach close to you. You will only be able to view the wicked’s punishment with your eyes.


If you declare, “The Lord is my refuge,” and make the Most High your home, no evil will befall you, and no tragedy will befall your tent. Because he has commanded his angels to watch over you in all your ways, they will hold you up in their hands so that you do not step on a stone. You will stomp the lion and the cobra; the huge lion and the snake will be trampled.

“Since he loves me,” the Lord declares, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, because he recognizes my name.” He’ll call on me, and I’ll respond; I’ll be there for him in crisis, and I’ll deliver and honor him. I shall satisfy him and show him my salvation if I live a long time.”


David’s Deliverance Prayer (Psalm 3)

“How many enemies do I have, Lord? How many people oppose me! “God will not deliver him,” many people say of me. But you, Lord, are my brightness, my shield, and the one who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he responds from his heavenly throne. I lie down and sleep, and then I wake up because the Lord keeps me alive. Despite the fact that tens of thousands of people surround me on all sides, I will not be afraid. Lord, stand up! My God, deliver me! Strike all of my adversaries in the jaw; shatter the wicked’s teeth. Deliverance comes from the Lord. May God’s blessings be upon you and your nation.”


Liberation from the Shackles of Insecurity

Lord, Assist me in breaking free from the shackles of insecurity. I admit that I’ve paid more attention to the voice of the enemy than to your truth. Lord, please enable me to hear and understand that I am loved, that I am perfectly formed, and that I am accepted just as I am in You. Give me your Spirit to assist me in recognizing when I am listening to falsehoods rather than the truth. Assist me in focusing my attention on you and what you are and have done for me and the rest of the world. Lord, thank you! I pray in your name, Amen.


Deliverance Suffering with Depression


Dear Father in Heaven, Thank you for remaining constant, even when everything around me changes and becomes unpredictable. (Hebrews 13:8; Hebrews 13:9) Thank you for being stable, even when I’m feeling a little shaky. (See Isaiah 33:6) It’s as though Satan has been slapping me in the face! Please keep me alive, protect me, and give me the strength to stand. (Psalm 28:7; 1 John 4:4)


Help me figure out whether my depression is caused by something physical. Help me go through my circumstances to discover if there are any areas where I need to make changes. If I’m depressed as a consequence of a spiritual war, please bring it to my attention and show me how to effectively fight that battle. Please direct me to the appropriate source of assistance. Thank you for knowing what I’m going through (Hebrews 4:15), and thank you for telling me in Your Word that even Your Son had emotional ups and downs.

I hope that You would use this tough time to draw me closer to You and that You will receive all of the glory for whatever You generate in me. 1 (James) Thank you for the way you’re going to use this period of my life and for all you’re doing to help me get over my depression. Thank you for allowing my weakness to show itself in the form of depression so that You can weave more of Your image into my life. I may have peace with You and face each day with new hope and grace because You gave up Your own loving Son. Help me to concentrate on what is real rather than how I feel. Amen. Gina Smith is a writer.


A Prayer for Guilt-Free Living

Dear Father in Heaven, You forgiven me for my previous sins when I devoted my life to Your son Jesus and requested Him to come dwell in my heart. I am glad for that forgiveness, although those memories do reappear again and then. I’m ashamed of whatever harm I’ve caused and find it difficult to forgive myself.


I know You “removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west,” as Your Word says. (New Living Translation of Psalm 103:12) Please remind me of this reality when guilt keeps me linked to my previous difficulties. Assist me in realizing that I am a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). You took away the old and replaced it with something fresh in me. I thank you for your wonderful present.


I’ll turn to Your Word for guidance as I move through today and the days ahead, focusing on spreading Jesus’ redemptive love. I refuse to be bound by the person I used to be and instead choose to embrace freedom through Christ. I now choose to give them the grace you granted me. Thank you for your never-ending kindness. Amen, in Jesus’ name. Kristine Brown is an author.


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