Prayer Points From The Shunammite Woman

Prayer Points From The Shunammite Woman

“Say to the virtuous, ‘It shall be good with you; because they shall enjoy the fruit of their doings.'” 3:10 Isaiah
This line, which promises God’s faithfulness to those who are virtuous and have placed their confidence in Him, is located in the middle of this chapter, which forecasts the fall of Jerusalem and the captivity of the Jews. God promises fruitfulness to this people. And we may rely on it because His promises are trustworthy.

“18 And the youngster developed. Now, one day, he walked out to see his father, the reapers. “My head, my head!” he said to his father. “Carry him to his mother,” he murmured to a servant. 20 After bringing him to his mother, he sat on her knees until midday, when he died. 21 And she went up and lay him on the bed of the man of God, locked the door, and left. 22 Then she summoned her husband, saying, “Please give me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, so that I may rush to the man of God and return.” 23 “Why are you coming to him today?” he said. It’s neither the New Moon, nor is it the Sabbath. “It’s all right,” she said. 2 Kings 4:18-23.


Prayer Points From The Shunammite Woman
Prayer Points From The Shunammite Woman


The Shunammite woman had no kid, but God blessed her with a miracle son because of her generosity to Prophet Elisha. He was a kid of prophesy and the embodiment of his parents’ silent longing. The arrival of the kid caused the mother and her husband tremendous delight since he was the son of their old age. However, the kid died at an early age, and the lady was distraught. How is this possible? It would be natural for anyone to let out a long, loud, piercing wail when she realized her delight was gone. Instead, the anonymous mom responded to every query and comment about her son’s condition with, “It is well.” How could she have stated such a thing when it wasn’t true? We’re not sure why, but we see trust and optimism in her response. She even refused to notify her husband about their son’s death, fearing that her faith would be shaken. Despite the fact that her kid was dead at home and she was very upset, she responded positively to all inquiries. She wasn’t in denial about her predicament, but she believed that God could bring him from the grave. She never wavered in her affirmative proclamation of faith, and God returned her kid to life as a result of her perseverance.

“The virtuous suffer many afflictions, but the Lord saves him from them all.” Psalm 34:19. Nobody is immune to suffering. Everyone has difficulties. The fact that you love God and live a virtuous life does not guarantee that you will not face difficulties. Throughout history, people of faith have faced difficulties and challenges! Problems are a part of life for both Christians and non-Christians. “It rains on both the fair and the unjust.” 5:45 in Matthew Trials and tribulations do not imply that you are a horrible or evil person. The difference is that when a child of God faces adversity, God is already on our side. We may be confident that no matter what we confront in life, we are secure in the hands of the Lord. Your narrative, like the Shunammite woman’s, will end favorably in Jesus’ name.

“Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and his days be lengthened, I know that it shall be right with those who love God, and who dread before him:” 8:12 Ecclesiastes
You may be going through a difficult period right now, but God will get you through it. You may not always sense His presence, but He is constantly closer than it looks and working in your life. You will never be alone.




Being in God’s presence is an amazing experience. When you’re in God’s presence, even the most difficult problems will melt away. We receive spiritual guidance and blessings when He is present. The presence of God offers comfort, direction, and security. We experience unusual favor and prosperity in His presence. God’s presence is a haven of relaxation. It is a haven of safety and security. Psalm 27:5. The presence of God is a shelter of protection and comfort. Psalm 91:1. It is a place where God’s protection is assured. The storms of this world may be raging, but when we enter God’s presence, we are assured of deliverance and safety.

“And he led them out along the straight path, so they may travel to a habitation city.” 107:7 Psalm
We must make time in our hectic schedules to seek the Lord’s presence. “Be quiet and know that I am God,” the Bible states. Psalm 46:10. To seek God’s presence: Engage in sincere and heartfelt repentance. Learn to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Take your quiet time seriously. Sing praise and worship songs because God dwells in the praises of His people. Psalm 22:3. Develop a spirit of gratitude and praise. Over and over, read and reflect on God’s Word. Every day, confess the promises of the Bible. Please ask Him to show you the path. Share your joys and anxieties with Him. Fasting can be used with prayer. Live a holy life. Do not overlook the righteous gathering. Always desire and hunger for God. He will never fail you. In His presence, God’s promises are revealed. Stand firm on God’s unbreakable promises. The promises may take some time to materialize, but they will. Just cling to God’s Word.


“God is not a man to lie; nor is man the son of man to repent: hath he said, and shall he not perform it?” Or has he spoken, and will he not make amends?” 23:19 (Numbers)
Human individuals can change their minds, but God will never fail to keep a promise. The Bible is reliable and trustworthy. All of the promises made in the Bible are true. If the Lord says it, He will definitely perform it. God’s faithfulness is unwavering. 31:6 Deuteronomy So, no matter what you’re going through, everything will be OK. God is at work behind the scenes to change your circumstances around and convert your testimony into testimonials. Appreciate His constancy and begin to increase your confidence in the Lord, who cannot and will not lie.


1. Desperation for righteousness.

A virtuous person is one who is in good standing with God. A believer in Christ is righteous. The virtuous person is firm and thoroughly rooted in God’s Word. A righteous person does not make compromises. Because God despises concealed sin, a virtuous person does not harbor it. Timothy 2:19–21 Sin is similar to quicksand. The righteous individual is set apart for God. A virtuous person is one who completely obeys God. The righteous individual has a strong faith. 2:4 Habakkuk A righteous person believes in God, no matter how bleak the situation appears.

The wisest decision you can make today is to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. 11:28 Mathew Bring your problems to Him. Christ has taken on our righteousness! Because Christ lives eternally, the righteousness of Jesus is given to us and sanctifies us, making us righteous, and we can now come to God at any moment. “Blessed are those whose crimes are forgiven and whose transgressions are covered.” 4:7 (Rom. It will be fine with the virtuous because their sins will be removed and pardoned.

2. Walk by faith rather than sight. 10:35 (Hebrews)

The devil is a compelling preacher in times of need. If you listen to him, your faith will be tested. Even before we see the promises, faith means living in a thankful manner. Your faith strengthens when you constantly give gratitude to God. “We walk by faith, not by sight,” the Bible states. However, when you allow what you are thinking, feeling, or seeing to influence you physically, your faith suffers. So go beyond the facts and realize that your condition is not final. Your situation may not seem encouraging, but keep your confidence in God. Faith does not make negative statements! That is why, regardless of the circumstances, you must talk positively. Despite the death of her only child, the Shunammite lady maintained her trust in God by professing hope in the face of hopelessness. Faith is always optimistic. Faith endures; it does not give up trusting in God. Faith does not consider undesirable notions. It never gives up! Faith must be resilient in the face of discouragement and fear.
Faith must be founded on God’s Word. Increase your faith. Avoid sin; do not allow it to extinguish your faith.

3. Drive away fear.

Fear is an entity. 1 Timothy 1:17 It flourishes in the absence of God’s love. Fear is an attack designed to rob you of your calm and joy. You must conquer all types of fears in your life. Fear awakens the adversary; trust awakens God.

Concentrate on God rather than your troubles. Believe in God’s timing. Regardless of your circumstances, trust God. Pray against the fearful spirit. Step by step, learn to obey God. God has rewards in store for you; overcome your anxieties.

4. Continue to pray.

“Cast all your concern on him because he cares for you,” the Bible says. 1 Peter 5:7. What is your problem? What is it that is keeping you up at night? Are you seeking God’s face in prayer about it? Jude 20. Prayer is one way we demonstrate our complete reliance on God and the Word. It is the manifestation of our deficiency. Prayer is a request for assistance. We acknowledge and confirm our needs to God at the space of prayer.

God hears and responds to prayer, but He does not always say “yes.” to every plea or demand. God sometimes says “no” or “wait.” Waiting means trusting that God is at work in you. Today, pray; with God, anything is possible.
“A decent person’s prayer is effective and strong.” James 5:16.

5. Keep your words in check and your heart clean.

According to Proverbs 18:21, “death and life are in the power of the mouth.” According to Proverbs 6:2, “your tongue might become a trap for you.” In Mark 11:23-24, Jesus says, “If you believe and do not question, you will say to the mountain, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea, and it shall be so.” He also says, “Whatever you say when you pray, believe that you will receive and you shall have it.” Whatever you are going through today, learn to announce that all is well. Say it loud and clear: it is well with me and my family, in Jesus’ name.

6. Continue to follow.

According to 2 Kings 4:30, the Shunammite lady replied to prophet Elisha, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” Will you abandon God as a result of your trials? Your prayers may not be answered in full, nor will your aspirations be given, but you must persevere. To follow Jesus is to become like Him. It is to remain focused on God; you do not glance back, turn around, or give up. Following Jesus entails pursuing His Kingdom and righteousness. Even in the darkest of nights, following Jesus means faith that better things are on the way. Psalm 30:5.

7. Read and ponder the Bible.

Feed and ponder the Bible. Isaiah 55:10-11; Psalm 119:29 According to Romans 10:17, “faith comes from hearing, and hearing comes through the Word of God.” As we spend time in the Word, God strengthens our faith. Feed on the Word by reading and studying what has been written. Spending time considering the Word and then applying it to your situation is what meditation entails. You can’t have confidence in the Bible if you don’t understand what it says. The Scripture has been tried and proven, and those who rely on it on a daily basis are not worried. Addiction to the Word

8. Always be thankful and praise God.

When things are going well, it’s simple to give gratitude and sing spirit-filled praises to God. The actual measure of our commitment, however, is if we can still find the ability to thank Him in the midst of bleak and awful circumstances. Thanksgiving is expressing gratitude to God in expectation of what He has yet to perform. Many people wait until the solution appears before they express gratitude. When Jesus expressed thanks, Lazarus was still in the grave. John 11:41.

Thanking God makes the Father happy. When we give appreciation to God, our faith grows. For Paul and Silas, praise unlocked the prison doors. Acts 16:22-27. It is a tremendous force that allows one to remain strong in faith even when all seems lost. It’s difficult to be pessimistic when you’re proclaiming the Lord’s kindness. The walls of Jericho were brought down by praise. You will be emboldened to move on in triumph as you praise and thank God. God will give you calm in the midst of the storms if you express gratitude or praise to Him.

“I will be with you when you walk through the floods, and the rivers shall not overwhelm you.”
You will not be harmed if you walk across the fire, nor will the heat sear you.” 43:2 Isaiah
The fire here reflects the tremendous conditions that we may face. It represents sorrow, hardship, difficulty, adversity, anguish, and tribulations. Because God is with the righteous, the fire does not consume them. Yes, we will confront challenges, but we will not be alone! Whatever we encounter, God is with us. You may be going through a difficult time in your neighborhood, home, company, ministry, or job, but it is just for a season. You may be in the midst of a violent storm that is damaging your health, but it is only temporary! It will pass! Your battle will not persist indefinitely.

Every problem has an expiration date; your anguish is not eternal. What God began in you, He will complete. 1 Corinthians 1:6 Nothing is too difficult for God. He’ll do it if He says so. He will be loyal to finish what He started. It may take a few days, weeks, months, or years, but He will complete it. Psalm 30:5. Keep on; don’t give up! That difficulty may seem significant to you, but it is nothing to God.

Maintain your composure! Your breakthroughs may appear improbable, but God will make them happen. Stand firm and see the fulfillment of the promises He has for you! Maintain your optimism. In the great name of Jesus, every magnificent prophesy made about you will come to pass. Continue to live uprightly, to pray, to believe, and to confess the Word.

If you want to begin again with Jesus Christ, pray this prayer: Father, I believe You love me. According to the Bible, I can love You since You first loved me. I am grateful for Your love. I come to You today, fill my heart in a manner You have never done before. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and your love. Allow me to develop in Your love and to express Your love to everyone around me. Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You. Amen.


1. Father, allow me to constantly feel Your serenity, in Jesus’ name.
2. Lord, in Jesus’ name, grant me complete surrender to you.
3. Father, grant me complete victory in Jesus’ name.
4. In Jesus’ name, O Lord, take control of my tongue and never let me speak anything unpleasant about my life.
5. Father, in Jesus’ name, make this my finest year yet.
6. In Jesus’ name, O Lord, remove me from it shall be well to everything is well.
7. Father, in Jesus’ name, please grant me the grace to live in Your righteousness on a regular basis.
8. O God, thank You for upholding Your promises; strengthen my faith in You, in Jesus’ name.
9. Thank God for hearing your prayer and answering it.

Horatio Spafford’s IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL
When peace follows me like a river, and sadness roll like sea billows, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my spirit.


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