Prayer To Stop Worrying – Prayer Points Against evil thought

Prayer To Stop Worrying – Prayer Points Against evil thought :

Prayer To Stop Worrying
Prayer To Stop Worrying



Declare: Prayer To Stop Worrying

1. Lord God, I come before you this day, I ask for the spiritual strength of my heart. I do want my heart to become a small tool in the hands of the devil.

2. I do not want my heart to be continually manipulated by the devil. I pray that the light of your word will brighten the channel of my heart, and it will make it inaccessible for the devil’s manipulations in the name of Jesus.

3. Lord Jesus, the scripture says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Lord, I pray that you will create your fear in my heart, make me fear you Lord, and cause me to become a formidable force to the manipulation of the devil in the name of Jesus.

4. I come against every demonic manipulation that may want to take possession of the mind.


5. I guide my mind with the precious blood of Jesus.

6. I refuse to lose my mind to the crafty manipulation of the devil. Lord Jesus, I pray for your strength and wisdom to identify the works of the devil. I refuse to be the prey of the devil. I raise myself above every temptation and of the devil to get my mind contaminated in the name of Jesus.

7. Every satanic agenda that may want to be processing in my mind is canceled in the name of Jesus. I dedicate my thoughts, emotions, and deeds to God Almighty. I come against every evil idea in the name of Jesus.

8. Father Lord, every feeling of lust is consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. Every feeling of desire of the flesh and mind, Lord, I destroy them by the power in the precious blood of Jesus.

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9. From on, even in the face of trouble and tribulations, I shall be strong. I refuse shamelessly to bow to the pressure of the enemy. Henceforth, I announce my dominance over every weakling of the mind in the name of Jesus.

10. Father Lord, I ask that you will take possession of mind, spirit, and body. I ask that you will take full control of my entire being in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, I give you my life, my mind, and my soul, be the ruler of my heart, be the king of soul and save me from the pestilence of evil thoughts in the name of Jesus.

11. I increase my spiritual sensitivity. I boost my spiritual alertness by your power and name.

12. I decree that I will be sensitive enough to identify the vices of the devil.

13. The Bible has warned us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices. I ask for enough spiritual sensitivity so that I can Identify the manipulation of the devil.

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14. Lord, I pray for your holy spirit and power. Just like the days of the old, that their mind was made strong for you, Lord. I pray that in the same proportion, you will make my heart strong and fierce against the devil. I pray for your holy spirit that will always quicken my mortal body. I pray that you will give me in the name of Jesus.

15. Father Lord, I pray that even in moments of trouble and hardship, you will help me to cast my hope upon you and put my trust in you. The grace to continually keep doing the right thing that will glorify the Father and not the devil, Lord give it unto me in the name of Jesus.

16. Lord, I announce the ownership of my heart and mind to Christ Jesus. From now, my breath and words, and my thought will be of the Lord. I refuse to let any other thing into our mind, all of my thoughts and expression is for you, Lord Jesus.I reject every negative thought that may want to find a way into my heart. I destroy every negative thought with the fire of Jehovah in the name of Jesus.

17. Every thought that will lead me to sin against man and God, I refuse to let it into my heart. The fear of the Lord is now my new fortress. I announce my freedom from evil thoughts and aspirations. I decree that I’m free in the name of Jesus.

18. The power of God Almighty will overshadow your life and reveal to you the manipulation of the enemy. I decree that God endows it upon you in the name of Jesus.


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