List Of The 7 Mountains Of Influence – Apostle Joshua Selman

7 Mountains Of Influence
7 Mountains Of Influence


List Of The 7 Mountains Of Influence – Apostle Joshua Selman , This message will expose you to the mystery of wealth and how to move in life.


1. The mountain of Religion

The mountain of religion is the mountain where we find our pastors, prophets, and all men of God.

2. The mountain of Family

Every life starts from a family, the family is the bedrock of every society.


Check: Prayer For Power To Get Wealth 

3. The mountain of Education

The mountain of Education is where knowledge is been transferred, and the value system of the kingdom

4. The mountain of politics and governance

This is the mountain where legislation are been made.

5. The Media

The media is one of the Seven mountains of influences, it is the mind-controlling system of the world

6. The mountain of art and entertainment

This is the mountain that attempts to model the world on how to do things

7. The mountain of business and Finance

The seventh mountain of influence is the mountain of business and Finance. This is the mountain that controls the economy of the world


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