Bedtime Prayer For Protection (2021 Guide)

Bedtime Prayer For Protection (2021 Guide) , Say This Prayer Every Night For God To Fight All Your Hidden Battles.

Bedtime Prayer For Protection
Bedtime Prayer For Protection



Prayer Points: Bedtime Prayer For Protection

Father, I come into your presence tonight with a thankful and grateful heart. I bow before your holy throne to testify your goodness and mercies upon me. I thank you for the gift of health. I praise and glorify your great doings in my life. I worship you because you have done what no man can do in my life. You raised me to a greater height and protected me from the hands of the evil ones.

Check: Spiritual Warfare Prayers Against Enemies

I thank you tonight because your mercies endureth forever. I thank you for your provisions. I thank you because of your boundless love. Many went out today but didn’t come home alive. Father, I am alive and healthy. Be though exalted above the heaven and on earth. Father, I pray that you forgive my sins and make me holy to be in your presence tonight.

Father, I commit tonight into your holy hands. If you are for me, no one can stand against me. Rise and fight those who will come against me tonight. Destroy every evil alter where my name will be called upon tonight. Set ablaze every monitoring spirit that will come against me while am asleep. Hear my prayers and grant my heart desires. May I sleep peacefully and wake up soundly tomorrow morning in Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen. Type Amen to this prayer and God will bless you tonight.


May God will hear your prayers.


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