Powerful Prayer For God To Turn Things Around

Powerful Prayer For God To Turn Things Around – Today’s Prayer Points: Father, Turn The Table Around To Favour Me.

Prayer For God To Turn Things Around
Prayer For God To Turn Things Around



Tables aren’t static. Situations in life aren’t fixed. Tables can be turned around at any point in time. Situations do change. Only God is unchanging. This was revealed in Malachi 3:16, ‘For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.’

God alone is the Unchanging Changer; the One that doesn’t change yet can change people and turn situations around for good. God can step into any given situation at anytime to change times, seasons and situations; He can arise and turn the tables around to favour His children. In Judges 11:4-10, Jephthah for years had been oppressed by his brothers, they treated him like rubbish, but the day God turned the tables around, the same people that drove him away, were the ones desperately looking for him.

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Can you find traces of yourself in Jephthah’s story? Say these prayer points with me;


Declare: Prayer For God To Turn Things Around

1. Oh Lord please have mercy and forgive me all the sins I have committed or inherited, that is working against my turn around in Jesus name.

2. Oh Lord, everything that must change in my life and around me for my story to change for better today change them in Jesus name.

3. Oh Lord, arise and turn all my captivities around in Jesus name.

4. Oh Lord, I rebuke every power contending with the change of story in my life today in Jesus name.

5. Oh Lord, Anything, Anywhere that have set my destiny behind and backward your time is over now loose me let me go in Jesus name.

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6. Oh Lord, by your power give me a Divine Turn Around that will rewrite the story of my life for good in Jesus name.

7. Oh Lord, Man of War, destroy the teeth of all those that the devil will use against me in Your sanctuary, in Jesus’ name.

8. Oh Lord, break me and mould me for Your glory, in the name of Jesus.

9. Oh Lord God of Elijah, arise in Your power and let all my enemies fall before me, in the name of Jesus.

10. Oh Lord, whenever my enemies plan any attack against me, in the future, let their counsel turn into foolishness, in Jesus’ name.

Check: Prayer Points For Divine Help And Assistance

11. Oh Lord, let the expectations of the enemies over my life be disappointed, in Jesus name.

12. Oh Lord, whenever my enemies take evil decisions against me, let Your truth, deliver me according to Thy Word, in the name of Jesus.

I pray today you will encounter the God who can turn the tables around and make the rejected the celebrated, the despised the honoured, the undervalued the highly respected and appreciated.


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